Wednesday, 8 December 2010


Colour Schemes

These flat plans have both been produced on Microsoft Word to represent outlines and ideas of what my magazine will look like and what could be on the cover. By creating a few flat plans it will give me a variety of ideas of what to put on the front cover to make it more appealing to my target audience.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010


I have been asked to create and design a front cover of our school magazine to target a specific audience. I hope to achieve a successful front cover which engages readers to what my theme is about. The requirement for this task is to use a mid-shot of an original picture which will be placed on the actual front cover. I am also going to produce the school magazine on Photoshop to make sure the front cover is more attractive and appealing to the target audience.

My idea for the magazine is aimed at students who are feeling ‘Exam Stress’. The image itself will be a student with a load of books piling up on the desk there working on. The name/masthead will be ‘Heston World’ which is aimed at students in the school who are in the process of stressing out because of their difficult exams coming up. The background will have the words ‘Stress’ written on it to engage the audience more on the topic. The colours I am going to use mostly are red, blue and yellow which stand out more and contrast with the topic.

My target audience is aimed at students which are in the years 7 to 11 who have upcoming exams.  This will be ideal for me as I have completed these years in my life and I know how these students are feeling. The image itself will be a lost boy in the library reading with a lot of books piled up to show there’s more than one subject to revise for. My target audience will be able to relate to this picture as they are feeling the stress from exams and the picture is also showing a student who is stressed from revising for exams, therefore they are more likely to be attracted to the magazine.

The idea for the magazine is to be serious about education and to realise that there is a point to revise a lot of work however to not be fully stressed about it. The image portrays a boy’s life as he Is focusing too much on work and how it is piling up because he is not fully organized. This is the main purpose of the mid-shot. With the boy sitting there looking upset shows that there is something wrong. This will want the readers to read more about this as it looks and the headlines make it sound depressing. My target audience would also be attracted to my magazine as there are tips given on how to reduce exam stress, which means the students who are under a lot of exam stress would read this magazine hoping to be able to use the advice given.

I will use both creative and attractive elements to ensure the audience are engaged more. With image connotation and denotation of my image the audience will be left reading the whole magazine. On Photoshop I will use different font types and sizes to keep the cover with more enthusiasm and effect.

Preliminary Task Front Cover